Clan Level 36 #PU9PLQJ2

(Open In-Game) (Open Clash of Stats)

We are a friendly clan and our members are from all over the world, we expect you to respect everyone and their cultures. Please keep all comments in chat respectful. Abusive behaviour will not be tolerated. We are a full time war farming clan within the FWA and member of the War Snipers Family. We also participate in CWL providing there are enough members who wish to take part. We have a feeder clan, for anyone to join. War Snipers 2.H (tag: #2JU8VVLV). Ask in discord if the clan is full.

Clan Tag: #PU9PLQJ2
Clan Level: 36
Clan Leader: Thxbault ( thxbault on Discord)
Strikes Sheet Click here

Clan Rules

Rules Text
1 English language in chat
2 Everyone need 1 500 donations & 1 500 requests MINIMUM every season. NO RATIO
3 Clan games participation is mandatory - 1 000 points minimum
4 You need to get all your attacks for raid weekends (6/6)
5 You need a minimum of 15 attacks won per season to not risk a kick
6 Do not donate any troops to the clan war clan castles
7 If you are going to be inactive for a short or long period, notify a leader through discord
8 Any new member joining will have to complet the D/R first season or they will be kicked without strike

Minimums are intended to be exceeded, Leadership reserves the right to remove any member who is only doing the bare minimum should the clan need to adjust its war weight or open up a spot.

Strike System

Clan members get 3 STRIKES before they are kicked

Strikes can be cleared by helping the clan with cleanup during war. You can attack the bases which have not been correctly attacked (i.e. 2 starred in a win war) once the person who is responsible for attacking that base has finished attacking it.

In the last 10 hours of war you may attack any unattacked base for the correct number of stars.

Strikes get removed after 4 days without any new added strikes. (1 less strike every 4 days)

1 strike 2 strikes 3 strikes
Not attacking in war. Failure to follow war plan. (3 starring in lose) Not having FWA base active
Not attacking mirror first Not fixing errors in FWA base after being notified Donating troops to FWA CC
Hitting 1 & 2 when you’re not supposed to Not getting the minimum donations/reqs per season  
Not getting 1000 clan game points minimum    
Not getting 6 attacks in clan capital    

Leaders have the right to overrule the strike system and act as they think is more appropriate. The system will be followed in most “normal” situations.

Password to join the clan (and show you have read the rules): December.

FWA Match Rules

Before every FWA war a clan mail will be sent whether that war is a win or a loss. Members must follow the attack rules explained in the clan mail. Here’s a quick summary:

Attacks War Win War lose
First attack Mirror for 3 stars Mirror for 2 stars
Second attack On #1 for 1 star ONLY On #1 for 1 star ONLY
Notes Any base open when 10h left Any base open when 10h left


  • Follow clan mails for the strategy.

Note: If you attack late in war and your mirror has been attacked as part of cleanup, you have to clean up any open base and then proceed with either 1 star number #1 for loot or another base cleanup if available.


The plan is for us to create a throwaway clan so we can join and participate in both CWL and FWA wars. We will be keeping FWA BASES active for the entirety of CWL. You will have to hop between the main clan and the throwaway clan to do your CWL attack and your FWA attacks. We will have to be very coordinated with what we are doing, so we will have a CWL channel on Discord to help everyone with the transitions. (See clan announcement channel after being accepted for more details)

Clan capital

Every member have to use their 5 attacks minimum. 6 With the bonus attack. You will not get strikes because you are bad, just if you don’t attack. And will be removed if you don’t play it. Donate your capital gold to what is asked in discord/clan mails. Offense first, then cheap upgrades like traps and defenses, and ruins. You are allowed to invite an alt to give gold to the clan. Ask in discord first. Elders are allowed to add alts for attacks in raid in the last 12h, to make sure we don’t waste spots and get all the loot possible.

Clan Rank and Benefits

We are always looking for active players to help manage the clan. Promotions are considered after you have been with the clan for 2 months and are based on your activity and willingness to help us out in the clan/Discord server with recruitment, helping new players adjust to FWA rules and generally putting the clan first. Good war attacks/donations are also a plus.

If you’re someone who simply wants to enjoy the game and doesn’t want to have any obligations, you’re free to keep doing so but promotions won’t be given.

Promotion to Elder

Elder is for players who want to help the Co / Leaders with the recruitment process for our clans and help audit bases. You will need to be active on Discord and also have experience with using Discord or willing to learn. To be considered as Elder, you will need a minimum of 3 000 donations and 3 000 request

Elder Tasks:

  • Help new members adjust to FWA rules/wars
  • Audit bases so we are ready for war
  • Helping out in our entry channel - If you joined through Discord you know the drill, training and guidance will be given if needed.

Elder Benefits:

  • Access to the Elders chat for quicker reply to any questions you may have.
  • May be allowed to get an alt in our clan. If the leader agrees only.
  • Allowed in the last 12h of raids to add alts for attacks.

Promotion to Co-Leader:

Are you interested in helping run the clan as a Co-Leader?

Benefits of being a Co-leader:

  • Most strike offences do not apply as long as you are performing tasks required.

What we are looking for:

  • You must be active (In Game and on Discord)
  • Show leadership (Help those who need it in the clan and show you are capable of helping lead the clan)

Some tasks we are expecting you to do are:

  • Start war syncs - BAND app required
  • Participate in our Co-leader chat re: the clan and any rule changes, clan talk, etc.
  • Help out Elders with base audits and new members

To Apply:

DM Thxbault (War Snipers 2.7) on Discord. When you DM, include what time zone you are in as well as saying what the current time is for you. You should also include anything else you think we will need to convince us you would be a good candidate for Elder or Co-leader.
